17 ago 2010

lots of good things!

Haven´t posted in a while but basically i´m a street performer. Been performing in santa monica. I´m learning the craft. I still don´t know how to properly build a crowd and my funny is slowly showing up but i´m doing great nevertheless. It´s amazing because i´m gaining my money from the streets. It´s hard and i´m not getting as much money as i was getting in my past life, but all this effort and learning how to deal with the streets is amazing.

Don´t know why i can be funny in a private party but not in the streets. Maybe i´m still not acustomed to the streets? Prolly i still need to learn?

I feel like i´m constantly going back to square one. This is the longest path. The one of most resistance. I never settle for comfort. I´m always pushing myself towards effort.

On the streets people are not polite. They will comment on what you´re doing and try to discover the methods. They will try to outsmart you and say shit. That´s why the street is probably the best training. They don´t give a shit. On the other hand, when you fool them badly and make ´em laugh, they will appreciate that and give you love and money (most of the times).

I´m trying new tricks! How cool is that? I´m confident to try new tricks cos it´s the street and noone is paying me. If i fail, i don´t care cos it´s not a paid gig. I´ve been tryin´ out new stuff and i LOVE that!

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